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Certible-Badge (EN)

NEW: Your Digital Badge with your certificate IREB® CPRE-FL

We are excited to offer a new benefit for our seminar participants! After passing the IREB® certification exam with our external partner CERTIBLE, you’ll receive a digital badge to showcase your achievement. This badge is a modern, verifiable way to enhance your professional profile and demonstrate your skills on the web.

NEW: Your Digital Badge with your certificate iSAQB® CPSA-F

We are excited to offer a new benefit for our seminar participants! After passing the iSAQB® certification exam with our external partner CERTIBLE, you’ll receive a digital badge to showcase your achievement. This badge is a modern, verifiable way to enhance your professional profile and demonstrate your skills on the web.

NEW: Your Digital Badge with your certificate ISTQB® CTFL-TM

We are excited to offer a new benefit for our seminar participants! After passing the ISTQB® certification exam with our external partner CERTIBLE, you’ll receive a digital badge to showcase your achievement. This badge is a modern, verifiable way to enhance your professional profile and demonstrate your skills on the web.

NEW: Your Digital Badge with your certificate ISTQB® CTFL-TTA

We are excited to offer a new benefit for our seminar participants! After passing the ISTQB® certification exam with our external partner CERTIBLE, you’ll receive a digital badge to showcase your achievement. This badge is a modern, verifiable way to enhance your professional profile and demonstrate your skills on the web.

NEW: Your Digital Badge with your certificate ISTQB® CTFL-TA

We are excited to offer a new benefit for our seminar participants! After passing the ISTQB® certification exam with our external partner CERTIBLE, you’ll receive a digital badge to showcase your achievement. This badge is a modern, verifiable way to enhance your professional profile and demonstrate your skills on the web.

NEW: Your Digital Badge with your certificate ISTQB® CTFL-TAE

We are excited to offer a new benefit for our seminar participants! After passing the ISTQB® certification exam with our external partner CERTIBLE, you’ll receive a digital badge to showcase your achievement. This badge is a modern, verifiable way to enhance your professional profile and demonstrate your skills on the web.

NEW: Your Digital Badge with your certificate ISTQB® CTFL-AT

We are excited to offer a new benefit for our seminar participants! After passing the ISTQB® certification exam with our external partner CERTIBLE, you’ll receive a digital badge to showcase your achievement. This badge is a modern, verifiable way to enhance your professional profile and demonstrate your skills on the web.

NEW: Your Digital Badge with your certificate ISTQB® CTFL v4.0

We are excited to offer a new benefit for our seminar participants! After passing the ISTQB® certification exam with our external partner CERTIBLE, you’ll receive a digital badge to showcase your achievement. This badge is a modern, verifiable way to enhance your professional profile and demonstrate your skills on the web.