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iSAQB® Certified Professional for Software Architecture - Foundation Level (English, CPSA-F)

 – , Online

In this seminar, you will experience the full software architecture process based on a concreate case example. The examination for the iSAQB® Certified Professional for Software Architecture will be taken at the end of the seminar.

Very Early Bird
Gültig bis 19.6.2023
€ 1.660,00
Gültig bis 18.8.2023
€ 1.990,00
€ 2.210,00
Exam iSAQB® CPSA-F English
Preis: € 250,00
Preis Student: € 125,00

Kostenvoranschlag anfordern alle Preise zzgl. MwSt.

Zeit Ort Vortragssprache Registrierung Deadline
09:00 - 17:00 Online Englisch
Die Registrierungs-Deadline ist bereits abgelaufen. Eine Anmeldung für diesen Termin ist nicht mehr möglich. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Termin aus der unten angegebenen Terminliste.

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Quick Facts

4 days


Official online certification exam available.

Foundation Level

Programming experience and basic UML knowledge recommended.

Accredited Training Provider

We are official iSAQB® Partner.

Kursinhalt Übersicht


You will learn the following content:


  • Role and tasks of the software architect
  • Architecture in the software lifecycle
  • Relationship between architecture and organization (Conway's Law)
  • Project vs. architecture goals
  • Requirements, constraints and quality models


  • Correct cutting of blocks and interfaces
  • Principles and heuristics
  • Domain Driven Design
  • Architectural Patterns (Layers, SOA, Microservices, ...)
  • Design Pattern (Adapter, Factory, Observer, ...)
  • Cross-cutting concerns (logging, error handling, virtualization, ...)
  • Design decisions

Description and communication

  • Different views: system, building block, runtime, deployment
  • Modelling with UML
  • Templates (arc42)


  • Architecture metrics
  • Measure software architecture continuously
  • Review with ATAM

Many practical examples and tips.

Course Language is English.


4 days


Practical programming experience and basic knowledge of UML are beneficial for effective participation in this seminar.

Target Audience

  • Software Architects
  • Software Developer

Book recommendation

We recommend the book "Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design" by Robert C. Martin as a deepening on the topic.

Included in the seminar price

  • Training material
  • Writing pads (block and pen)
  • 2 coffee breaks per seminar day (mornings and afternoons) with coffee, tea, soft drinks and snacks
  • Seminar drinks in the seminar room (water and juices)
  • One lunch per seminar day incl. one drink per participant

For online courses the course price has been reduced by the catering, the seminar documents are usually available digitally.


After successfully completing the seminar, the certification exam can be taken online at any time. Booking for this is possible when registering for the seminar. You will receive information about registering for the exam when the seminar begins.

Accredited training provider of the iSAQB

We are an officially accredited training provider of the International Software Architecture Qualification Board (iSAQB). You can find our accreditation documents and certificates on the certificates page.

Weitere Termine

Datum Ort Sprache Preis zzgl. MwSt.
Weitere Plätze sind verfügbar Prüfung ist verfügbar  –  Online Sprache Englisch Frühbucherpreis € 2.110,00
Gültig bis 13.9.2024
€ 250,00 Preis für Prüfung
Jetzt buchen
Weitere Plätze sind verfügbar Prüfung ist verfügbar  –  Online Sprache Englisch Frühbucherpreis € 2.110,00
Gültig bis 11.10.2024
€ 250,00 Preis für Prüfung
Jetzt buchen
Weitere Plätze sind verfügbar Prüfung ist verfügbar  –  Online Sprache Englisch Very Early Bird € 1.760,00
Gültig bis 9.9.2024
€ 250,00 Preis für Prüfung
Jetzt buchen
Weitere Termine anzeigen

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