CSSLP Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional [DE]

Kursinhalt Übersicht
Das breite Themenspektrum des Common Body of Knowledge (CBK®) des CSSLP gewährleistet die Bedeutung des Kurses für alle Disziplinen der Informationssicherheit.
- Domain 1: Secure Software Concepts
- 1.1 Understand core concepts
- 1.2 Understand security design principles
- Domain 2: Secure Software Lifecycle Management
- 2.1 Manage security within a software development methodology (e.g., Agile, waterfall)
- 2.2 Identify and adopt security standards (e.g., implementing security frameworks, promoting security awareness)
- 2.3 Outline strategy and roadmap
- 2.4 Define and develop security documentation
- 2.5 Define security metrics (e.g., criticality level, average remediation time, complexity, Key Performance Indicators (KPI), objectives and key results
- 2.6 Decommission applications
- 2.7 Create security reporting mechanisms (e.g., reports, dashboards, feedback loops)
- 2.8 Incorporate integrated risk management methods
- 2.9 Implement secure operation practices
- Domain 3: Secure Software Requirements
- 3.1 Define software security requirements
- 3.2 Identify compliance requirements
- 3.3 Identify data classification requirements
- 3.4 Identify privacy requirements
- 3.5 Define data access provisioning
- 3.6 Develop misuse and abuse cases
- 3.7 Develop security requirement traceability matrix
- 3.8 Define third-party vendor security requirements
- Domain 4: Secure Software Architecture and Design
- 4.1 Define the security architecture
- 4.2 Perform secure interface design
- 4.3 Evaluate and select reusable technologies
- 4.4 Perform threat modeling
- 4.5 Perform architectural risk assessment and design reviews
- 4.6 Model (non-functional) security properties and constraints
- 4.7 Define secure operational architecture (e.g., deployment topology, operational interfaces, Continuous Integration and Continuou Delivery (CI/CD))
- Domain 5: Secure Software Implementation
- 5.1 Adhere to relevant secure coding practices (e.g., standards, guidelines, regulations)
- 5.2 Analyze code for security risks
- 5.3 Implement security controls (e.g., watchdogs, file integrity monitoring, anti-malware)
- 5.4 Address the identified security risks (e.g., risk strategy)
- 5.5 Evaluate and integrate components
- 5.6 Apply security during the build process
- Domain 6: Secure Software Testing
- 6.1 Develop security testing strategy & plan
- 6.2 Develop security test cases
- 6.3 Verify and validate documentation (e.g., installation and setup instructions, error messages, user guides, release notes)
- 6.4 Identify undocumented functionality
- 6.5 Analyze security implications of test results (e.g., impact on product management, prioritization, break/build criteria)
- 6.6 Classify and track security errors
- 6.7 Secure test data
- 6.8 Perform verification and validation testing (e.g., independent/internal verification and validation, acceptance test)
- Domain 7: Secure Software Deployment, Operations, Maintenance
- 7.1 Perform operational risk analysis
- 7.2 Secure configuration and version control
- 7.3 Release software securely
- 7.4 Store and manage security data
- 7.5 Ensure secure installation
- 7.6 Obtain security approval to operate (e.g., risk acceptance, sign-off at appropriate level)
- 7.7 Perform information security continuous monitoring
- 7.8 Execute the incident response plan
- 7.9 Perform patch management (e.g. secure release, testing)
- 7.10 Perform vulnerability management (e.g., tracking, triaging, Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE))
- 7.11 Incorporate runtime protection (e.g., Runtime Application Self Protection (RASP), web application firewall (WAF), Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), dynamic execution prevention)
- 7.12 Support continuity of operations
- 7.13 Integrate service level objectives and service-level agreements (SLA) (e.g., maintenance, performance, availability, qualified personnel)
- Domain 8: Secure Software Supply Chain
- 8.1 Implement software supply chain risk management (e.g., International Organization for Standardization (ISO), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- 8.2 Analyze security of third-party software
- 8.3 Verify pedigree and provenance
- 8.4 Ensure and verify supplier security requirements in the acquisition process
- 8.5 Support contractual requirements (e.g., intellectual property ownership, code escrow, liability, warranty, End-User License Agreement (EULA), service-level agreements (SLA))
Ziel des Kurses ist es, Ihnen ein fundiertes Wissen über sicherheitskritische Aspekte im gesamten Softwareentwicklungs-Lebenszyklus zu vermitteln. Sie lernen, wie Sie Sicherheit von Anfang an in den Softwareentwicklungsprozess einbinden und so die Entwicklung sicherer Anwendungen sicherstellen können.
5 Tage
Die TeilnehmerInnen dieses Kurses werden nach Abschluss für die CSSLP Prüfung gut vorbereitet sein. Die Examensgebühr beträgt ca. € 650,- (Examination Pricing ISC²), ist im Kurspreis nicht inbegriffen und kann laut ISC² variieren. Die Prüfung erfolgt in Form von Multiple-Choice-Fragen und kann beim Testing-Provider wahlweise auf Englisch oder Deutsch absolviert werden. Das Ablegen der CSSLP Prüfung ist unabhängig vom Kurs und kann individuell von dem/r TeilnehmerIn entschieden werden.
- Software Architect
- Software Engineer
- Software Developer
- Application Security Specialist
- Software Program Manager
- Quality Assurance Tester
- Penetration Tester
- Software Procurement Analyst
- Project Manager
- Security Manager
- IT Director/Manager
Um dem Lerntempo und Inhalten des Kurses gut folgen zu können und um sich für die Zertifizierung zu qualifizieren, müssen Sie mindestens folgende Voraussetzungen zu erfüllen:
- Mindestens vier Jahre Berufserfahrung im Bereich SDLC
- Erfahrung in einem oder mehreren der acht Domänen des ISC2-CSSLP-Leitfadens oder drei Jahre Berufserfahrung in einem oder mehreren der acht Domänen des CSSLP-Leitfadens
- Abschluss in Informatik, Informationstechnologie (IT) oder verwandten Bereichen
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